Monday 25 November 2013

Interactive Advertisement is AWESOME!!!

Here's a blog about Interactive Advertising and my thoughts about it.

For starters, as the title of my blog says "Interactive Advertisement is AWESOME!", the reason why I think that and say that, Interactive Advertisements is an AWESOME way to get people INTERESTED and ENGAGED in it.

There are many different forms/types of interactive advertising using online and offline media to communicate with consumers. Interactive advertising can be used to do various things, such as:
  • To promote products, brands and services 
  • For public service announcements for corporate or political groups
Below are a few examples of interactive advertising.


Back in 2009 Perwanal Saatchi & Saatchi in Jakarta, Indonesia, had laid out this really huge ambient ad by creating a giant floor sticker in an Jakarta shopping center. The ad was for Jakarta’s pet emporium JAKPETZ, in an effort to promote it’s Frontline Flea & Tick Spray with the slogan “Get them off your dog.”

Ambient Advertising - Advertising placed on unusual objects or in unusual places to catch the consumers' attention, which is in improving the retention of the advertising message. Ambient advertising is also known as guerilla marketing.

Here is what an advertising agency in Sweden  did when it came to using ambient advertising.

Here's another video with more examples of innovative guerilla marketing.

Back in 2009 the automobile company Volkswagen teamed up with some designers to transform a set of steps at a subway in Stockholm into a giant musical keyboard. This was a creative way to encourage people to take the stair rather than the escalator. Below is the video of the keyboard stairs.

Volkswagen also created a garbage can with a sound effect. The same intent that was used for the musical stairs was used for this garbage can, to encourage people not to litter and throw their trash in the garbage cans. Below is the video showcasing the interest garbage can.

If anyone has been following my Twitter @jenniferjroldan, I retweeted an article about British Airways using interactive advertising. They're using interactive digital billboards that change when planes fly overhead.

These ads were developed by the ad agency Ogilvy One, located in London, England’s Piccadilly Circus and Chiswick. They use custom-built surveillance technology to track the overhead flight and its relevant data.

Abigail Comber, the head of marketing at British Airways had said, “We hope it will create a real ‘wow’ and people will be reminded how amazing flying is and how accessible the world can be.” They've definitely created a real WOW that's for sure.

Where all of this interactive digital advertising started from, was from Japan. Below is a short video explaining the future of interactive digital advertising.

 Check out this cool interactive store window at the Diesel store in  Denmark.

Here's a couple of cool interactive window displays at the Nike stores.

Here's another very interactive window display made for the module Advanced Interface Design at Hyper Island hosted by North Kingdom.

As you've noticed so far from theses examples of interactive advertising, it's all been done in creative ways and that's one of the keys of having great interactive advertisements. The more creative it is, the more it will stay top of mind in the consumer's mind.

Not only is creative one of the keys to great interactive advertisements, but also placement. Placement as in, which type of interactive media vehicle you plan to use. Will it be online through computers or mobile devices? Will it be used in a form of guerilla marketing? Will it be used in stunt marketing? Will it be used in combination with apps like Blippar for smartphones?

Stunt Marketing - This is a type of guerilla marketing/advertisement used to catch people's attention in a weird way. Many a times it involves actors. Below are a few videos exemplifying some great guerilla marketing.

This particular video, the ad agency Anomaly from NYC planned and produced this particular flash mob. The two hockey teams in Port Credit, Ontario didn't know what was going on when they saw all these people walking in. Before all these people had walked in the arena, the two teams had thought it was just going to be another day of practice.  Boy were they surprised! Check it out!

This particular stunt marketing turned into a commercial that ran during 2012 Super Bowl, but only in Canada.

Here's another great stunt marketing done at a New York coffee shop which was in promotion for the remake of the Carrie movie.

This great stunt marketing was for the launch of the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium in which a big red push button was placed on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town. A sign with the text "Push to add drama" invited people to use the button.

And here's the sequel, the intent was the same.

As I mentioned earlier in this blog the Blippar app, some of you may already know about the app Blippar, if not, no problem, here's a description of what it is.

Blippar™ is a revolutionary for traditional media and advertising offering the power to turn every single piece of printed collateral or physical branding in the real world into an instantaneous, interactive experience. Already embraced by the likes of Tesco, Nike, L’Oreal, Budweiser, EMI, Universal Music, Dominos, Unilever, PepsiCo, Waitrose, Cadbury, Sony, Mercedes, Nestle, Samsung, Xbox, Heinz, and more, blippar is the market leader and projecting rapid, international expansion with a view towards becoming the world’s default smart phone ‘lens’ and eponymous verb (‘to blipp’) for real-world image recognition and augmented reality executions.
  • Blippar was founded by Ambarish Mitra, Omar Tayeb (Young Innovator of the Year in the Guardian Megas 2011), Steve Spencer and Jess Butcher (One of Fortune Magazine’s 2012 Top 10 Global Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs)
  • Blippar uses the camera in the smartphone/ tablet to recognise images that are ‘blippable’ and return an instant response. That response could be anything from a simple weblink or video play through to a competition, interactive game, poll, coupon… anything!
  • Through one free application on a consumer’s device, Blippar opens up the camera mode and becomes a single lens through which brands and branded ‘push’ messaging in the real world can be converted into instantaneous, proactively ‘pulled’ digital experiences.
  • Fastest and ‘stickiest’ technology in the world today with the broadest range of applications
Below is an image of guy using the Blippar app on the Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bar. As you can see, the consumer using this app gets to see more information about this brand.

Below is a short video about the Blippar app so you can see how it really works.

Augmented Reality is definitely becoming more of the next big thing for interactive advertising as many of us are using our mobile devices a lot.  Below is a video from one of the TEDx Talks with Tomi Ahonen explaining why Augmented Reality is the Next Big Thing.

The new Google Glasses is now taking on augmented reality apps as well. The first company to cash in on augmented reality for the Google Glasses is The Fancy.

fancy ipad

The Fancy  is a New York ecommerce startup known for its ties to the world of high fashion and luxury goods. Its Glass app allows users to snap a picture of objects they see in the real world, then finds them matching or complementary items with similar styles and color they can purchase. It’s a clever use of the technology that has made The Fancy the first company to actually make money on Google Glass. Below is a video of a consumer using the Fancy app.

Kevin Smith from Business Insider says this about the Fancy app, "The Fancy is a social version of Amazon. It's like Pinterest, but with a heavier emphasis on e-commerce." Kevin is pretty much right about that. If you click on words The Fancy that's in grey it will redirect to the Fancy website and you will see that it truly is like Pinterest, but all the things you Fancy gives you the option to purchase those things you Fancy! lol....

Well folks, this concludes my lengthy blog post about Interactive Advertising! I hope you have enjoyed reading and watching all the videos in this blog post. I also hope that this blog helps you better understand interactive advertising.

Take care for now. 

Jennifer Roldan

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